Winter (sniff) time

It's (sniff) Winter time again (cough, cough)!
Yes it's that time when colds etc. are about, noses are running, coughs are barking and little people are feeling a little cranky. With the overlay of Covid the usual winter sniffles have become a little more problematic with families having to keep kids home from school now if they are showing any cold symptoms (or at least they should be!). 
It is always a bit of a miserable time when you are a kid with a cold; constantly having your nose wiped or being told to "blow", feeling lousy and wanting to play but then unable to, being under the weather and cranky (like everyone else gets) but being told to cheer up, falling asleep constantly when your favourite movie is put on for you to watch while you are tucked up on the couch.
It is certainly no fun for the rest of the family either but the testing times are the times when we learn how to employ all those truths God teaches us; perseverance, forgiveness, generosity, compassion, kindness, gentleness, patience. It is also a great time to teach your kids about prayer. Praying for others who are unwell and themselves. Giving thanks for the wonder of a God created body that can fight off diseases. Being grateful for loving, caring families and warm homes. Remembering those who don't have these blessings.
Don't forget when life is tough to teach your kids, and model by your life, to direct your eyes to God because he holds our comfort and our hope for a better future.
We can also approach teaching our kids about good hygiene as part of being considerate for and caring about others as we remind them to wash hands, to cough into an elbow and put their tissues in the bin. My prayer for you if/when you navigate the winter sniffle season is that it is a further chance for showing Gods care and grace in your family and for kids to learn more about caring for others and leaning on God when life is tough.




School holidays in church