Ready As We Are

Your kids are "ready" right now! Ready to do simple chores or tasks like picking up their toys or putting dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Ready to say a simple "thank-you" grace at meal times. Ready to help unpack the shopping. Ready to pray for themselves and others in their own simple terms. Ready to serve God by doing what He asks them.

We often wonder how could God use a child? But who better to impact a child's world than another child? Who better to be a friend to someone new or who feels on the outside all the time? Who better to stick up for someone being picked on or excluded? Who better to share a smile with someone having a bad day? Our kids inhabit their own world of hurting people, they just happen to be little hurting people, and while an adult can say kind words it can really change a child's world to be accepted, befriended, thought of by another child.

I don't expect God will require our kids to become soap box preaching evangelists but I know that He can use their cooperation and efforts to change the world they live in; at school, at home, at sport, anywhere. So make sure you keep encouraging your kids that what they do each day matters; it is seen by God and can be used by God. Those times they notice something not quite right and feel like they should do something are the times God is tapping them on the shoulder and asking for their help.

Also try the best you can to notice when your child is trying to help. It may not look like much or even be that helpful, but when our efforts are noticed and acknowledged we grow in our desire to serve and more importantly in our self-esteem. Just think of what sort of efforts God has put up with from us!




Praying People